Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hanging out with Great-grandma Rerko, six months old today!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Having a great time at the neighbors now that I'm give months old!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

And the winner is ....

I was going through some of Andrew's things today and came across the baby predictions from one of my showers.  Here are the winners: 

NAME: Andrew --  Aunt Phyllis Peiffer
BIRTH DATE: December 9th -- it's a tie! Stacy Forthofer, Gretchen Smith
WEIGHT: 9 lbs 11 oz -- Grandma Davis (wow, Mom!)
LENGTH: 22 inches -- it's a tie!  Aunt Phyllis Peiffer, Amie Zvosec, Kate Galvan

You ladies knew this baby better than I did!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


While Andrew's Baptism isn't for several weeks, I was "christened" tonight when I was peed on for the first time by our son after his bath.  He was warm, relaxed, and just about to have his diaper put on.  The perfect setting.  He's been known to spray Dad quite frequently, but this was my first experience with our little guy, just shy of his 6 week birthday.  It was back in the tub for Andrew to rinse off ... he was pretty happy about that ... but then cried again when he had to get out of the tub and into his towel.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Our first blog!

This is my first attempt at a blog.  We'll see how well it goes when I go back to work :)

Andrew Michael was born on Friday, December 9th, at 3:42pm. He weighed 9 lbs, 11oz, and measured 22 inches in length. This first month has flown by! He's been a great baby and loves to have his picture taken --- he was already posing for the photographer when he was just a day old --- so we hope that this blog will be full of pictures to keep you updated on his little life. He loves to take baths, ride in his swing, watch his sheep mobile, and stare at faces and lights. He also LOVES to eat, but thankfully gives his mom a little break at night and only eats every 3-4 hours. Andrew is a well travelled baby already. He's been to Toledo, Cleveland, friends and relatives homes, the mall, the gym, several restaurants, and yes, even a bar. He sleeps quite well through most of these outings so we are taking advantage while we can!

 Catching up on some sleep with Grandma Karen.
 I love bath time!
 Hanging out with Grandpa Davis and Nanny.
 Andrew with our Goddaughter, Charlotte, 26 months.